Trialing update

The Warragul Club after an initial review of recent pilot program undertaken over the past 6 weeks have decided to split trial sessions on a Wednesday as follows, bookings remain to open at 10-00 am Tuesday prior:-


Split trials session will commence Wednesday 14th December 2022. Trials on Friday will remain as is subject to feedback and review one full session


The club has had several enquiries regarding separating a morning session and the create an afternoon session, splitting into two sessions should assist these timeframe requests.  We will assess take up and happy to receive feedback.


Session one will be for trials between 11-00 am to 2-20pm

Sessions two will be for trials between 2-40pm to 5-16pm


Other variations will be posted on fasttrack over the coming days for trial sessions commencing January 2023.


Please ensure you book trials for yourself only, ring the office if there is a viable reason for cancellation as records are being maintained for all cancellations


Note track sweeps and matting are scheduled and will NOT be varied to suit trainer requests.